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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


 Banksy's Life So Far
 by Taiepiri Ransom

Art is what you see through your
own eyes.

 My art work is based on people.
The art work was inspired by a
graffiti artist named Banksy.


Floating Lillies

Art is a way for someone to express
their feelings in a creative way.
People mostly  base their art on
someone or the enviornment  that they are in.

The art work that i have done is based  on
the artist Claude Monet whose painting's
are based on the outdoor things
such as:ponds'gardens and etc.
My art work has expressed the way that i am
feeling and the way that my artist
is feeling. I have painted something that
is my interest and also my
artist's interists.`

The Rising Sun by Max Lyttle

The Rising Sun
By Max Lyttle

Art is something that some one enjoys looking at and would pay for and would look at in free time.

 My art is based on the sea with the sun rising over top of it with an orange background. It was inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh who painted lots of people and places.  I like my art.

Flowing Water By Jacqueline.N.T.Gardner-Cook

Flowing Water
By Jacqueline.N.T.Gardner-Cook

My art is about water flowing into a pond. In the middle is an island where there is a big tree. In the background you see a farm and a house with the water going down the bank.

My art is inspired by a man named Joseph Mallord William Turner who was also known as the “Light Capturer”. He was known for capturing light and reflections off water and buildings.

Falling Fantasy - By Brooke Parata

Falling Fantasy
By Brooke Parata

I think art is a creative way to express feelings and emotions. Art is anything that is interesting or inspiring to you.

My artwork is of a waterfall. It was inspired by Claude Monet as he liked to base his artwork on nature.

High-Five By Faith Courtney

       By Faith Courtney

Art is a way of expressing your ideas and emotions about the things you see and hear. I guess you could call it a type of definition.  Art comes in many different shapes, sizes and colours, as everyone has there own view on what art is. Some may think art is a smashed up car or a painting of landscapes and creatures. Others might think art is lines and shapes all over a piece of paper or canvas, possibly abstract. Art is something that makes the world a whole lot brighter because in the end art could be anything you like it to be. Even an inspiration.

My piece of art is made up of eight colourful hands. I created my piece of art using fluro and metallic paints. My inspiration to do this piece was Claude Monet because he had a tendency to paint pictures of landscapes and people. I think this inquiry was really fun and I hope my artwork sells to raise some money for our school.

Stormy Night By Ryan Courtney

You create art from your expressions and emotions. Art is different to different people. Rubbish on the floor could be art to some people.

My art is a copy of starry night but its called stormy night. It was inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. Most of his art was about people and places in his life.

Life by Keanu Chandler

 Life by Keanu Chandler

I think art is about
Showing your inner self.

My art was inspired by van Gogh
Because he made his art about real things. My art is about flowers.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Dark Triangle by Carma room 5

The Dark Triangle

By Carma

I like this because it is special to me and I like it because it has a triangle.

It is art because it has pretty colours and dark colours, and I like it because we had to push our feet on it to make it. It was cool!

Frankenstein by Nikita room5

My Self Portrait by Danni room 5

My Self Portrait

By Danni

I like my self portrait because I do not need to use a pencil, just a piece of paper. I made it with paper at Pataka. It was fun making it too.

It is art because it is made out of paper

Me by Olive room 5


By Olive

I like this picture because it looks interesting. It is myself. I got the head then drew the hair and cut it out. I drew the neck and cut it out. I drew the eyes.

I think it is art because it is up on the wall.

Myself by Mary room 5


By Mary

I like this picture because it just looks like me. I made it at Pataka. The first thing I needed was coloured paper. Then we made our hair. Then we made our whole face.

I think it is art because it is not a scribble.

Hayley's fireworks picture(room4)

First we made 5 dots. Then we would get lots and lots of colours and we would colour around the dots until the page is full. I chose this piece because it was the one I worked on the hardest. Art is making something that you want to make that is different from someone else. I like my picture because when you hold it far away it looks like real fireworks.

 By Hayley Robinson

love suezanne by suezanne room 5





Hayley's fireworks picture(room4)

Zac's self portrait (room4)

I like my art. It is special because I worked hard. It has cool colours on it. I am going to put my self portrait in the hall. I picked this because it is my favourite. Art is about making stuff that you enjoy. 
By Zac McKean

Rocks by Damein room5


by Damein

I like this picture because it has lots of colours. I have lips they are orange. I have red hair. I made this at school. I love it, it is me!

I think it is art because it has lots of colours.

Kaylee's cubist tree(room4)

Hello my name is Kaylee. I expressed autumn colours on a tree that only blossoms in autumn. It has heaps of autumn colours. I think it has heaps of inspiration and I love it. 
By Kaylee Unlenberg

Fish Art by Jaxon room5

Fish art

by Jaxon

I started making a plate. Then we put glue on it and once it dryed. We used rollers to put ink on, then we put newspaper over then we turned it up the right way.

It is art because we put ink on it and we mixed colours.

Lochlan's self portrait(room4)

We made self portraits. It was made out of paper. We cut paper out then we stuck it on another piece of paper. Then we glued the back of it. Then it stuck on the black piece of paper. I like it because it matches what you look like. I chose the colours because I like them.
 By Lochlan McKean

Circles by Maddisyn room5


by Maddisyn

I made this when we were doing our printing. We had to draw the circles, then we put glue on them. Then we put the ink on with a roller. Then we put it onto a piece of paper.

It is art because we did it.

Iestyn's fireworks picture(room4)


I think my piece of art is awesome. I feel excited that it is getting sold in the art auction. The best part is the bright colours. I think art should be the only thing I do. I used patience to do my piece of art. Art is putting down what you feel on a piece of paper.  By Iestyn Cooney

Cool Love Heart by Lyric room 5

Cool Love Heart

by Lyric

I like my piece of art because it looks cool. I made it with P.V.A. glue. It is a print.

I think art is something you put ink onto.

Te Ahuru's self portrait(room4)

My piece of art has red eyes, a red and yellow necklace and purple spiky hair. I chose these colours because they were dark colours. I like my bit of art. We made some of it at Pataka Museum. It has light brown skin and has a green neck. We made it by cutting out coloured bits of paper. It is my self portrait. i think art is about using colour to make my picture stand out. By Te Ahuru Wilton

Kendyll's Aboriginal art (room4)

I took a lot of care making my Aboriginal Art. I feel happy about my art because the colours are really bright. The best part was usuing the end of your brush to do the dot painting. I think my art turned out pretty awesome.  By Kendyll Parlane

Love! by Tessa room 5

Love! By Tessa

I love, love, love this picture because it is colourful and I made it out of P.V.A. glue.

It is art because it is messy.

Conrad's cubist picture (room4)

My piece of art is like Pablo Picassco's cubist picture. It is really easy. Art is cooler than doing nothing at all. I had to draw a picture then I folded the paper into 6 pieces then I cut it out. Then I got a black piece of paper. Then I muddled up the drawn pieces. After that I glued them in muddled up pieces. I connected them by a line then I drew lines where the cross over cubes went. I picked this piece because it's my favourite out of all my art.  By Conrad Fleming

Robot by Joshua room 5


by Joshua

I like this piece of art because it is green and black. It is a robot and it is a square. I made it with paint on a roller.

It is art because sometimes paint can go over other kinds of paint. Sometimes art can be shapes.

Browny Red by Jazmin room 5

Browny Red

by Jazmin

I like this piece of art because it’s made out of p.v.a glue and it is cool.

I drew what I wanted, then I put the glue in the bag and carefully went over my drawing with glue. Then I put two different colours on it with a roller.

It is art because it is colourful and I put p.v.a. glue on it.

The Face of Doom by Jorja room 5

The face of Doom

by Jorja

I chose this picture because it is a face. This is how I made it, I cut two circle pieces and a black piece of string and two sparkling pieces of a different type of fabric. I printed it red and black.

I think this is art because it is a print.

Thomas's self portrait (room4)

I like my piece of art. It was easy to make. Before we did it I thought art was just drawing pictures. Now since we went to Pataka Museum I now know that art is more than that. At Pataka we drew self portraits. First we drew parts to our face. Then we drew our neck and hair. Then we glued it together to make a face. I chose this piece because it was easy to make.

By Thomas Kirk

Willow's cubist picture (room4)

I like my autumn piece of Art because there are nice bright colours on the leaves. I feel happy because of the bright colours. When I didn’t do any art I thought it was easy but it looks easy but it isn’t its really hard.

By Willow Wright

Jaimee's fireworks picture (room4)

I like my fireworks picture because there is colour in it. I feel happy about it. The best part is the different colours. When I look at my art it looks cool. First I thing I did is put 5 black dots and then I drew lines around the black dots. I chose bright colours because they made me feel happy.

By Jaimee Brown

Issac's Fireworks picture (room4)

My art is special because I think about it. I am happy when I look at my art. I like my art because it is colourful. I took care and consideration with my piece. I think doing art is cool. I picked my fireworks art because it looks cool. I think art is about having fun.

By Issac Frank

Livai Room 6

Tony's Cubist picture (room4)

My art is Pablo Picassos’ cubist art. I love my work because it is mixed up. Art is a colourful picture and it is a nice type of picture. All art is fun to do.

By Tony Sinclair

Ocean's self portrait (room4)

I am going to talk about my self portrait. My favourite piece is the lipstick and the hair because I like the bright colours. I really am excited to put it in the Hall. It was really hard making the self portrait. I feel really happy about my piece.

By Ocean Teka TeAwa


Brayden's fireworks picture(room4)

My art is special because it’s colourful. It is nice and bright. I like it so much because it’s cool. Art is about how you feel and what you think. It was really fun to do.

By Brayden Elmaz

Keyshawn Room 6

Nicoles Cubist Tree (room4)

I like my autumn piece of art because of the bright colours. It makes me feel happy. We had a piece of paper and then we got a black pastel and drew a tree. I thought my autumn piece was fantastic, awesome and cool. I think art is about making things look cool.

By Nicole Parata

Chloe Mosaic Fish(room 4)

I Made a fish. I ripped up paper into bits. I liked putting the little paper bits inside the black lines to make my fish. I love my fish. 
 Chloe Woods Lean

Tarquin - Room 6

Alison - Room 6

Danni - Room 6

Dillin - Room 6

Abby - Room 6

Kori - Room 6

Abbey - Room 6