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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Still Cubescape By Maia - Room 2

My arts purpose is to look at and entertain.

The techniques I used to make this art work are: using thin brushes and mixing colours. The styles I used were still life for the vase, cubism for the patterns for the vase and landscapes for the background I used these styles because they were my favourite. I made it my own style of art because I mixed cubism still-life and landscapes into one piece of art.

The message behind my art is to mix two different pieces of art into one piece.

I know what makes art now. An artist can make a piece of rubbish or a pound of paper or a piece of metal covered in colours and it can be art because if its art to the artist it should be art to us and all art is different. There is no piece of art that is exactly the same as another.